Monday, January 19, 2009

3rd Day After Surgery and Going Home

On the second day, they fed me jello. On the 3rd day, I got scambled eggs. Keep in mind, I had an absolutely horrible taste in my mouth and then these eggs. It was horrible. I ate a few bites and then had this egg taste in my mouth. This taste lasted a few days.

The Dr. Clements came in that morning and told me I could go home. Gave me my discharge instructions, etc and I was released mid-afternoon.

I felt like crap. I was still hurting, couldn't eat, and was generally scattered from the anesthesia.

I got home and the gout attack re-surfaced but much, much worse. So, I am now hurting from the surgery and the gout is a 1o on the pain scale, I am sick at my stomach can't eat, etc. I was generally miserable and was seriously doubting my decision to do the surgery.

I could eat only soft foods, like mashed potatoes or grits. But, I really didn't have a desire to eat.

Dr Clements really disappointed me on the gout since I had warned him that I felt it would be a problem. I didn't feel that he ever really addressed it as an issue.

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