Sunday, March 1, 2009

False Alarm and Missed Appointment

I posted some time ago that I was worried that my gastric bypass would not work. I was wrong, I have dropped some more weight since that posting.

Nothing has really changed, just day to day work and adjusting to this new lifestyle.

For anyone that has not made the final decision, this is hard work. Don't let anyone tell you that this is an easy way to lost weight because it is not. Like today, I made a huge dinner for the family. I had not eaten all day and was starving. Anyways, I had just a few bites and that was it. My brain was telling me that I was hungry but my stomach was not able to hold more food.

I am having a problem keeping hydrated. If I eat, then I can't drink. Because of that, my gout is acting up.

I am sleeping a lot better and the sleep apnea is much less of a problem. I am feeling better that I have felt in a very long time.

I was supposed to have had my 8 week followup with Dr. Clements at Kirklin Clinic on Friday but missed it and have rescheduled for next Friday.

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