Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Worried About Weight Loss

I made a decision early on not to have a scale. I really didn't want to have the pressure of a daily weigh in to deal with. Well, I went over to a friends and weighed. I had not lost any weight. That bothers me. Since, I am eating a lot of junk food and am not following the rules. I think that I have topped out on weight loss. I weighed about 240 lbs and that is around 235, since I had shoes etc. I would hate to be in that small percentage where the gastric bypass just doesn't work. There are some and the way I snack all day, that might just be me. I am concerned about it.

Got my follow up exam with Dr. Clements at UAB sometime in the near future. I need to call his office and check.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Your changes will be very gradual. And it is normal.