Friday, March 6, 2009

The Latest on the Visit Today

I kept looking at the numbers today and they just did not make sense. Everything that I was reading seemed to indicate that I was tracking normally. So, I called the office and got the battle axe on the phone Joann. I basically told her that I had issues with her raking me over the coals today and sending me into a panic over this gastric bypass weight loss rate. After everything that I have been through, the last thing that I want to hear is that it is not working.

Anyways, she fesses up and tells me that there has been a mistake and that she was going to call me. Well, it is the end of the day. Monday would have rolled around and she would have forgot. then, I would have started altering my eating habits and even further restricting my eating. This could have had a very strong adverse outcome for me.

Go back and look over my blog and see how many errors that I have talked about this office making. This is just not acceptable. Especially after she slammed me for 15 minutes in that office today.

A good example of what is wrong with our healthcare system today. By the way, all of these calculations were done on paper and not by a computer.

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