Friday, November 28, 2008

To Tell or Not to Tell

I have wondered what to do about informing my employer about the procedure. I finally ended up telling my manager but I really do not want others to find out. In the announcement to my direct reports, I told that them that I was going to be out for an extended amount of time for health reasons. Nothing more. With the boss, I felt that I should be more specific.

But, I am sure that when it comes up in meetings, I will get the 3rd degree. I hope that they do not ask and I certainly will not tell.

How much am I obligated to tell?

1 comment:

Mary K. said...

I would tell everyone around you what you are going through...after you have decided for sure. Some people try to sabotage you and talk you out of it, but others will be very supportive. You're not going to be able to hides something this major from anyone you deal with on a daily basis. The more people know, the more empathy you will have from people in your life. You will need empathy when you go through various challenges after the surgery. Most people return to work within three weeks, so you'll definitely still be very, very limited in what you're eating, and how you feel will be evident to others. You also will have those awkward moments when you go out to eat with others and only can eat like three bites. I also don't think it's great to hide things for psychological reasons. You need to face what's going on along with the rest of the world, and not telling them is tantamount to feeling ashamed of what you're doing. You should never feel ashamed of doing something to help your health. And if anyone says you're taking the easy way tell them to try rearranging their plumbing inside, living on 300 calories a day, and try to live normally active's hard, very hard. You'll need all the support you can. Tell them.