Tuesday, September 6, 2011


Very weak over the weekend, had not taken my B12 in a long time. Took my injection and several hours later started to feel better. The thing with a Gastric Bypass is that it is CONSTANT maintenance. Don't forget to take your vitamin and your calcium and every 2 weeks you need a B12. But, it sure beats the hell out of 290 lbs and miserable.

You know, I am going on 3 years since the surgery. You would think someone from UAB would follow up with me. Once I went to my last appointment, never heard back. I did hear that Clements had left UAB but not sure where he went.

I have debated myself on bringing up the other "adult" related material related to Gastric Bypass on this blog but am concerned some kids could read it. I will see if I can come up with some language that would be PG rated on my next posting. I definitely have some stuff to share about that and the significant benefits to men of having GB. But, that is a post for another day.

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Gaining Weight


It is devastating but true and I don't know what to do. The pattern that was set early on with many meals over the day, due to the fact that I couldn't eat much at each meal is starting to be a problem because now I can eat more at each sitting. As a result, I am eating more often and bigger quantities. Ergo...weight gain. The bigger issue is, I can't stop. Since Gastric Bypass Surgery, I now have a much stronger appetite. I can't control it. I get weak and it feels like I haven't eaten in weeks. I have to eat. My levi's are getting tighter and I can just feel it happening. HELP!!!

I am going to try and dial it back a bit. I will keep you all posted.

Take a look at the graphs for weight loss and, statistically speaking, a weight bounce after the surgery is not uncommon. But, it is depressing beyond anything that I can describe. Not to mention, I am sure that many folks will look at this and think I have lost my mind to put on weight.

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Gout and Gastric Bypass

I reviewed my recent visits and found a lot of people wanted to know about gout and gastric bypass. I can count on one hand the number of times that I have had a gout attack after my surgery. I also think that I have connected Turkey as one of my gout attack trigger foods. But, the gout is much much better. That is the upside.

Downside, after the surgery you will probably have one of the worst gout attacks that you will ever have. I could not walk or straighten my leg for days. It was absolutely excruciating and went on for an eternity. Once it cleared up, that was it. I went two years without a single attack. I have also been on allupurinol for as long as I can remember.

I think I posted once before, the only relief to my gout pain was to have a steroid injected directly under my knee cap. It was just horrible.

Thursday, July 7, 2011

Nail Problems

I have mentioned several times that my nails have stopped growing and believe that it is because I do not take my calcium on a regular basis. Well, I noticed my toe nails had not only stopped growing but that they were beginning to almost thin and disappear. One was splitting through the center and it is almost as if they are disappearing. They are much thinner and haven't grown in weeks. When I really begin to notice it, I freaked out. I know, I know. I am being stupid, just take your vitamins and I agree. But, I don't do it. But, I promise from this day forward I am going to take the calcium.

I am posting this to let you guys know about my struggles and what I am going through. This blog is here so that people understand what you go through and the struggles that you deal with after gastric bypass.

At some point in the future, I am going to talk about the B12 injections but that is a post for another day.

I also noticed that this blog is getting a TON of visitors now. I am glad that my struggles might help someone one day make the decision on having this surgery. For the new visitors, go back to the beginning of the blog and read the first few posts. It details the struggles that I went through with insurance and then the surgery. Also, discusses the surgeon and the challenges that I had with UAB and the Kirklin Clinic.

Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Lap Band Problems

I have a friend that had the lap band and ended up with scarring around the band. Lost some weight and gained it back, then had the scarring to deal with. Ended up having to go back in and do the gastric bypass. Insurance would not pay and so it came out of his pocket. Glad that I went with the Gastric Bypass.

Gout Attack

One thing I forgot to mention earlier, I had another massive gout attack in December,2010 and followed by one in February. Huge attacks and not able to walk. Beginning to think that it is the turkey at thanksgiving that trigger it. I cooked another turkey in January and had an attack right after. Not sure, but this seems to be the culprit.

Annual Post!!!

I continue to weigh in at around 190 lbs. and no real change there. I did put on some weight over the Christmas Holidays but quickly lost it. I have stopped taking my vitamins and calcium but continue the B12 injections. I know that I should be on the vitamins but I just keep forgetting. Probably not a good thing. I notice that my nails do not grow (AT ALL) without the calcium.

I continue to struggle with the attacks of what acts like low blood sugar but the doc told me it was Dumping Syndrome. It can come on suddenly and it stops you in your tracks. You will not function once this attack happens. You are going to lay down and you will not have an option. Cold Sweats and no energy. I can't even raise my hand! It last about 30 minutes to an hour. It is horrible. But, only happens occassionally and usually when I eat sweets and most especially sweets early in the morning. I have NO tolerance for dairy. It makes me violently ill, even in very small quantities.

At this point, I have completely adjusted to my new life and new body. It was the best decision that I could have made and now, 2.5 years later --- I do no regret it. Keep in mind, it took me about 18 mos to get to a "I don't regret it" place but I am there now.

Marriage has adjusted and we are still together.

By the way, heard that Clements left Kirklin Clinic - UAB. Not that it matters, but he is an excellent doctor.

Lastly, I stopped going to the gym. But, I am going to pick it back up.