Monday, September 14, 2009


Finally convinced myself to start to the gym today and went this morning for a 30 - 45 minute workout, my first since the Gastric Bypass. Did some light nautilus and then 20 minutes on the exercise bike. I am expecting to be sore. I will keep everyone posted as to my progress. I have noticed that my back hurts constantly and I think that it is muscle deterioation. If my muscles have deterioated past the point of holding up my frame, then it seems logical to me that you could expect to have some pain. Anyways, I am going to try the exercise for a few weeks and see if I can have any improvement.

As a side note, my gout has not bothered me since the last really big attack in the spring.

Still have made my 6 month appointment with Dr. Clements at UAB but plan on doing that today.

Weight is at 200 lbs right now. Total loss around 70 - 75 lbs.

Thursday, September 10, 2009

Back Pain

One more item for today, my back is hurting really bad. My lower back and between my shoulders is hurting all of the time. I keep thinking that it is going to go away but it isn't. It hurts when I sit for long times and is better when I stand. But, when I stand up I hurt then too between the shoulders. Totally different pain that when I was large and I hope that it will eventually improve.

Weight Loss has Stopped and Excess Skin

I am now in month 9 after my gastric bypass and my weight loss has completely stopped. I am right at 200lbs and haven't lost any weight since my last posting. I think that this is probably the weight that I will be at and don't think that I am going to lose anymore. I haven't went back to see Dr Clements at UAB, since my last posting. I need to schedule that appointment but just haven't gotten around to it.

Life has pretty much returned to normal. I can eat most of the things that I used still except milk and extremely sweet things. Like Candy Corn for some reason just sends me over the edge. My stomach feels the same and I can eat a normal amount of food with no problem. I don't have the gagging anymore, that has gone away.

I still take the vitamins. I did find Tony Hawk gummy bears in Wal Mart and I eat four of those a day. I have stopped taking the calcium. I know, I know, it is a mistake. I need to be taking that but jeez, it is hard to keep up with it all. I find myself wanting to eat all of the time but am just unable to eat the quantity. I snack all day long and am hungry all of the time. That is a mistake too but not sure how to break that cycle.

I would do the surgery again and am feeling more and more like it was the right thing.

Went last night to take a photo for an ID that I needed. It was very enlightening, I look completely different. Scary almost.

I have noticed a lot of excess skin and it is not pleasing to the eye! None in my stomach but bad around my groin and under my arms. I know that some people have it much worse than I do. Considered an operation to fix it but decided against that. I don't need more surgery and will just wear clothes that cover it.

Sleep apnea continues to be a problem and do not feel at this point that it is going to be improved. I took my Auto-pap card to the center and had it read. It records my nightly apneas and I have showed some improvement but no where near enough to get off of the machine. So, Ambien every night and sleeping with the mask. I hate that but it is just the way it is.