Thursday, April 16, 2009

Visit to Doc and Chicago

Went to see Dr Clements at UAB on the problem with gagging, etc from my last post. He said that I could do a scope of the stomach or I could just take a wait and see. I told him that I would rather take a wait and see, hoping that it will go away. Dr Clements did mention that I was about 10 lbs behind on the weight loss and then read off the list of things that I should not be doing. I weigh 228 lbs and he mentioned that I should lose 50 more lbs. I don't see how that is possible, but he is the doc.

I then went off to a conference in Chicago for a week. It was a very long week and lots of hours. I held up ok but did have one bad night with no energy, etc. One story, I had dinner with a client at a really nice Italian spot in chicago. I had 2 pieces of bread and 1/2 bowl of Italian wedding soup. I ordered the lasagna and had 2 bites. It was the best I have ever had but could only eat 2 bites. I spent 45 minutes watching others eat and pushing food around on my plate. It was awkward, to say the least.

Sleep apnea continues to be a struggle.

People are really starting to notice the weight loss since the gastric bypass.

Lastly, I have noticed some traffic on the website and it looks like some people are actually starting to read the blog! Good news on that front. I hope that this can benefit someone.

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